Check Train Fare
Train Fare FAQs
What is train fare and why it is important to check?
The fare which is charged for the itinerary by train is called train fare. Indian railway is the cheapest mode of transportation as compared to others but its fare prices fluctuate from time to time, that's why passengers need to check the fare before booking a railway ticket.
How to do train fare enquiry?
If you want to check the fare of any train run by Indian Railways, just type the train name or number in the search box and hit the "Get Fare" button. By doing so, it will show the fare of all the available classes on that train. To know the train fare of different pairs of stations, passenger can select their desired source and destination from the dropdown and get the fare.
How to avail concession in train ticket fare?
There are numerous concessions available to passengers on train fare. It is dispensed as per the category of passengers. Any person who falls in Disabled, Patients, Senior Citizens, Awardees, War Widows, Students, Youths, Kisans, Artists and Sportspersons, Medical Professionals category can avail the benefit of concession.
How is train fare calculated in Indian Railways?
Train fare is calculated as per the kilometer it runs which varies from class to class. It includes various charges which altogether constitute total fare. This is how fare is calculated, Base Fare + Reservation Charges + Superfast Charges + Fuel Amount + Total Concession + Tatkal Charges + Goods Service Tax + Other Charges + Catering Charge + Dynamic Fare + WP Service Tax = Total Fare.
Base Fare: This is decided by the Indian Railways depending on the class of travel.
How many concessions are offered by Indian Railways and IRCTC on train fare?
The concessions offered by Indian railways on train ticket fare are as follows, Disabled: 25-50%, Patients: 50-100%, Senior Citizens: 40-50%, Awardees: 50-75%, War Widows: 75%, Students: 25 - 75%, Youths: 40-100%, Kisans: 25-50%, Artists and Sportspersons: 50-75%, Medical Professionals: 10-25%, and Izzat MST: 25%.
How does dynamic fare work?
The dynamic fare pricing system is based on demand and supply, as the demand increases price also increases. That means the cost of fare increases as the number of tickets sold increases. The Flexi fare system is applicable for premium special trains like Rajdhani Express, Duronto Express, Jan Shatabdi Express, and Shatabdi Express. The First 10% of tickets are sold at base fare but later on, it will increase by 10% with every 10% of tickets sold. This goes till 50% and after that rest of the tickets are sold at 1.5 times the base fare. For 2S, SL, CC and 2A class, fare increases between 1X to 1.5X whereas for 3A class remain between 1X to 1.4X. This pricing system doesn't applicable for 1AC and EC classes as it is sold on base fare only.
X = Base Fare