Rescheduled Trains List

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Indian Railways rescheduled some trains due to various reasons including technical issues or natural calamities. So, before undertaking a journey it's advisable to check whether your train is on this list or not.

Complete list of rescheduled trains with new departure time on 2025-01-22

Rescheduled Trains FAQs

Can I cancel the ticket for rescheduled train?

Yes, you can cancel the ticket if your train is rescheduled for earlier hours or in rescheduling train delayed for 3 hours or more on journey commencing station.

Can I get a refund, if I cancel the ticket for rescheduled train?

Yes, you will get a refund if the train is rescheduled for earlier hours or get delayed for more than three hours from its scheduled departure time.

How do I get a refund if I cancel the ticket for rescheduled train?

  1. If the train schedule changes to earlier hours rather than mentioned in the timetable and the passenger don't want to undertake the journey, then he/she need to surrender their ticket after the actual departure of the train and within 3 hours of an old timetable at the journey commencing station to get a refund, after deducting the small amount of clerkage charge of ₹ 10 per passenger will get a refund.
  2. If a train is running late by more than 3 hours and passenger don't want to begin his journey then you need to surrender your ticket at journey commencing station, for distance up to 200 KM within 3 hours, up to 201-500 KM within 6 hours, over 500 KM within 12 hours after actual Dep. of the train, to get full fare without any deduction. For counter ticket or I-ticket, you need to file a TDR specifying that the train is rescheduled, then you will be refunded in 15 days.