34736 Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local Train Time Table

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Updated: Sep 28 2019 (19:04)

Train : 34736 Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur LocalDep Days: S M T W T F S

Class: GN Type : EMU - KolkataHalt : 23 halts Duration : 1h 44m

From : SDAHDeparture : 15:50 To : LKPR Arrival : 17:34 Zone : ER

Pantry/Catering : ✕ Pantry Car✕ On-board Catering✕ E-CateringDistance : 62 km

Stn. Name Arr. Dep.Halt Day Dist.SpeedZoneExp. Platform Address
Sealdah (SDAH)15:50 10.060ER--Kolkata - 700014, West Bengal
Park Circus (PQS)15:5315:541m 13.028ER2Kolkata 700017, West Bengal
Ballygunge Jn (BLN)15:5916:001m 15.370ER2Kolkata - 700019, West Bengal
Dhakuria (DHK)16:0116:021m 16.592ER2Kolkata - 700031, West Bengal
Jadabpur (JDP)16:0316:041m 18.0115ER2Kolkata - 700032, West Bengal
Baghajatin (BGJT)16:0516:061m 19.947ER2Kolkata - 700086, West Bengal
New Garia (NGRI)16:0816:091m 111.562ER--Kolkata- 700094, West Bengal
Garia (GIA)16:1016:111m 112.5115ER2Kolkata 700152, West Bengal
Narendrapur Halt (NRPR)16:1216:131m 114.526ER2Kolkata: 700103, West Bengal
Sonarpur Jn (SPR)16:1716:181m 116.2103ER2Dist - 24 pgs (S) - 700150, West Bengal
Subhas Gram (SBGR)16:2016:211m 119.627ER2Dist - South 24 Parganas, West Bengal
Mallikpur (MAK)16:2516:261m 121.523ER2Dist- South 24 Pgs 700147, West Bengal
Baruipur Jn (BRP)16:3516:361m 125.046ER4Kolkata- 700144, West Bengal
Shasan Road (SSRD)16:3916:401m 127.3144ER--Pincode - 700144, West Bengal
Krishnamohan Halt (KRXM)16:4116:421m 129.758ER--Pincode - 743387, West Bengal
Dhapdhapi (DPDP)16:4416:451m 131.682ER--Pincode - 743387, West Bengal
Surjyapur (SJPR)16:4716:481m 134.355ER--Pincode - 743387, West Bengal
Gocharan (GCN)16:5016:511m 136.281ER--Dist - 24 pgs (S) - 743391, West Bengal
Hogla (HGA)16:5316:541m 138.965ER--Dist: South 24 Parganas - 743391, West Bengal
Dakshin Barasat (DBT)16:5716:581m 142.151ER--Pincode - 743372, West Bengal
Baharu (BARU)17:0117:021m 144.761ER--Pincode - 743372, West Bengal
Jayanagar Majilpur Halt (JNM)17:0717:081m 149.850ER--Dist - South 24 Parganas - 743337, West Bengal
Mathurapur Road (MPRD)17:1317:141m 154.060ER--Dist -South 24 Parganas - 743354, West Bengal
Madhabpur (MDBP)17:1917:201m 158.912ER--PIN - 743354, West Bengal
Lakshmikantapur (LKPR)17:34 161.8-ER--Pincode - 743355, West Bengal

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I check the 34736 Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local time table?

If you want to check the 34736 Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local time table, then just enter your train number in the input box, select your train, and click on the "Get Schedule" button. By doing so, the live train timetable for the Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local will be displayed on your device screen.

Why it is important to check 34736 timetable?

It is important to check 34736 Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local because sometimes Indian railways change their train timetable without any prior notice due to some inevitable circumstances. Therefore, it is advisable that passengers should check Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local timetable before leaving for the railway station.

What is the train number of Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local?

Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local train number is 34736.

What are the 34736 Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local running days?

The 34736 Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local runs on Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri and Sat between Sealdah (SDAH) and Lakshmikantapur (LKPR) Stations on its respective timings.

What are the travel class available in Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local?

Class of travel available in Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local is General.

What is the time of departure of 34736 from the source station?

The 34736 departs from its source station Lakshmikantapur (LKPR) at 15:50.

How much distance does Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local cover?

Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local covers a total distance of 62 km.

What is the total travel time taken by 34736 to reach the destination?

The 34736 takes 1h 44m to reach its destination station.

Which is the destination station of 34736 Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local and at what time does it arrive?

The 34736 Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local reaches its destination station Lakshmikantapur at 17:34 .

How many stoppages 34736 has between Sealdah and Lakshmikantapur?

The 34736 Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local has 24 stoppages in route including both source and destination stations.

How many days does 34736 Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local take to reach Lakshmikantapur Railway Station?

The 34736 Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local Express reach on day 1 at 17:34 to the Lakshmikantapur Railway Station.

What is the platform number on which Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local usually arrives at SDAH and LKPR?

Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local arrives on platform number -- at Sealdah (SDAH) and platform number -- at Lakshmikantapur (LKPR).

How many major stations 34736 Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local crosses?

The 34736 Sealdah - Lakshmikantapur Local passes by 24 major stations which are Sealdah (SDAH), Park Circus (PQS), Ballygunge Jn (BLN), Dhakuria (DHK), Jadabpur (JDP), Baghajatin (BGJT), New Garia (NGRI), Garia (GIA), Narendrapur Halt (NRPR), Sonarpur Jn (SPR), Subhas Gram (SBGR), Mallikpur (MAK), Baruipur Jn (BRP), Shasan Road (SSRD), Krishnamohan Halt (KRXM), Dhapdhapi (DPDP), Surjyapur (SJPR), Gocharan (GCN), Hogla (HGA), Dakshin Barasat (DBT), Baharu (BARU), Jayanagar Majilpur Halt (JNM), Mathurapur Road (MPRD), Madhabpur (MDBP), Lakshmikantapur (LKPR).