02503 Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) Train Time Table

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Updated: Aug 02 (15:08)

Train : 02503 Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat)Dep Days: S - T W T - S

Class: 3A 2A 1A Type : COV-ReservedHalt : 22 halts Duration : 41h 43m

From : DBRGDeparture : 19:55 To : NDLS Arrival : 13:38 +2 nights Zone : NFR

Pantry/Catering : ✓ Pantry Car✓ On-board Catering✓ E-CateringDistance : 2453 km

Stn. Name Arr. Dep.Halt Day Dist.SpeedZoneExp. Platform Address
Dibrugarh (DBRG)19:55 10.075NFR--Dist - Dibrugarh, Assam
Moranhat (MRHT)20:2820:302m 141.064NFR--Dist - Charaideo, Assam
Simaluguri Jn (SLGR)21:2021:222m 194.168NFR--Dist - Sivasagar, Assam
Mariani Jn (MXN)22:1022:155m 1148.254NFR--Dist - Jorhat, Assam
Dimapur (DMV)00:2000:277m 2256.546NFR--Dist - Dimapur, Nagaland
Lumding Jn (LMG)01:5802:002m 2326.053NFR--Dist - Hojai, Assam
Guwahati (GHY)05:2305:3815m 2506.562NFR--Dist - Kamrup Metropolitan, Assam
New Bongaigaon Jn (NBQ)08:0908:112m 2663.362NFR--Dist - Bongaigaon, Assam
Kokrajhar (KOJ)08:3808:402m 2691.093NFR--Dist - Kokrajhar (B.T.A.D.), Assam
New Alipurduar (NOQ)09:3109:332m 2769.742NFR--Dist - Alipurduar, West Bengal
New Cooch Behar (NCB)10:0010:2525m 2788.566NFR--Dist - Cooch Behar, West Bengal
New Jalpaiguri Jn (NJP)12:2012:3010m 2914.081NFR--Dist - Jalpaiguri, West Bengal
KishanGanj (KNE)13:3513:372m 21001.356NFR--Dist - Kishanganj, Bihar
Katihar Jn (KIR)15:2015:255m 21097.879NFR--Katihar 854105, Bihar
Samastipur Jn (SPJ)18:4018:455m 21308.770ECR--848101, Bihar
Muzaffarpur Jn (MFP)19:3019:4010m 21360.965ECR--Motijheel Muzaffarpur - 1 Phone;- 91-9771429928, Bihar
Hajipur Jn (HJP)20:3020:355m 21414.748ECR--Ph:06224-272230, Bihar
Chhapra Jn (CPR)21:4921:545m 21474.265NER--Tel: 06152-220055, Bihar
Ballia (BUI)22:5523:005m 21540.456NER1Pincode-277001., Uttar Pradesh
Varanasi Jn (BSB)01:3001:4010m 31679.769NR5Pin - 221002, Uttar Pradesh
Lucknow Charbagh NR (LKO)05:4505:5510m 31962.572NR4Lucknow 226004, Uttar Pradesh
Bareilly Jn (BE)09:1209:153m 32197.259NR2PIN 243003, Uttar Pradesh
Moradabad Jn (MB)10:4710:558m 32287.661NR4244001, Uttar Pradesh
New Delhi (NDLS)13:38 32453.2-NR--Ajmeri Gate 110002, Delhi NCT

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I check the 02503 Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) time table?

If you want to check the 02503 Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) time table, then just enter your train number in the input box, select your train, and click on the "Get Schedule" button. By doing so, the live train timetable for the Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) will be displayed on your device screen.

Why it is important to check 02503 timetable?

It is important to check 02503 Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) because sometimes Indian railways change their train timetable without any prior notice due to some inevitable circumstances. Therefore, it is advisable that passengers should check Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) timetable before leaving for the railway station.

What is the train number of Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat)?

Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) train number is 02503.

What are the 02503 Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) running days?

The 02503 Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) runs on Sun, Tue, Wed, Thu and Sat between Dibrugarh (DBRG) and New Delhi (NDLS) Stations on its respective timings.

What are the travel class available in Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat)?

Class of travel available in Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) is AC 3-tier, AC 2-tier and AC 1st Class.

What is the time of departure of 02503 from the source station?

The 02503 departs from its source station New Delhi (NDLS) at 19:55.

How much distance does Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) cover?

Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) covers a total distance of 2453 km.

What is the total travel time taken by 02503 to reach the destination?

The 02503 takes 41h 43m to reach its destination station.

Which is the destination station of 02503 Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) and at what time does it arrive?

The 02503 Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) reaches its destination station New Delhi at 13:38 +2 nights.

How many stoppages 02503 has between Dibrugarh and New Delhi?

The 02503 Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) has 23 stoppages in route including both source and destination stations.

How many days does 02503 Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) take to reach New Delhi Railway Station?

The 02503 Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) Express reach on day 3 at 13:38 +2 nights to the New Delhi Railway Station.

What is the platform number on which Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) usually arrives at DBRG and NDLS?

Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) arrives on platform number -- at Dibrugarh (DBRG) and platform number -- at New Delhi (NDLS).

How many major stations 02503 Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) crosses?

The 02503 Dibrugarh - New Delhi Rajdhani Special (Via Moranhat) passes by 23 major stations which are Dibrugarh (DBRG), Moranhat (MRHT), Simaluguri Jn (SLGR), Mariani Jn (MXN), Dimapur (DMV), Lumding Jn (LMG), Guwahati (GHY), New Bongaigaon Jn (NBQ), Kokrajhar (KOJ), New Alipurduar (NOQ), New Cooch Behar (NCB), New Jalpaiguri Jn (NJP), KishanGanj (KNE), Katihar Jn (KIR), Samastipur Jn (SPJ), Muzaffarpur Jn (MFP), Hajipur Jn (HJP), Chhapra Jn (CPR), Ballia (BUI), Varanasi Jn (BSB), Lucknow Charbagh NR (LKO), Bareilly Jn (BE), Moradabad Jn (MB), New Delhi (NDLS).