91091 Churchgate - Borivali Semifast Local Train Fare
Train : 91091 Churchgate - Borivali Semifast LocalDep Days: S M T W T F S
Class: GN FC Type : EMU - MumbaiHalt : 11 halts Duration : 0h 53m
From : CCGDeparture : 21:02 To : BVI Arrival : 21:55 Zone : WR
Pantry/Catering : ✕ Pantry Car✕ On-board Catering✕ E-CateringDistance : 34 km
GN | FC |
10 | n/a |
Frequently Asked Questions
How to check 91091 Churchgate - Borivali Semifast Local train fare?
If you want to check 91091 Churchgate - Borivali Semifast Local train fare, then just enter your train number in the search box, select your train, and click on the "Get Fare" button. By doing so, the train fare of 91091 will be displayed on your device screen.
Why it is important to check Churchgate - Borivali Semifast Local train fare?
It is advisable to check 91091 Churchgate - Borivali Semifast Local train fare before booking a ticket as it fluctuates from time to time and some trains have a dynamic fare system in which fare increases by 10% with every 10% of the tickets sale.
How do I get to know the train number of Churchgate - Borivali Semifast Local?
Train Number of Churchgate - Borivali Semifast Local is 91091.
What is the fare of all available classes from Church Gate (CCG) to Borivali (BVI) in 91091?
The fare for all available class from Church Gate (CCG) to Borivali (BVI) in 91091 are as follows, GN - ₹ 10 and FC - ₹ n/a.
Class of travel available in 91091 Churchgate - Borivali Semifast Local?
Class of travel available in 91091 Churchgate - Borivali Semifast Local is General (GN) and First Class (FC).
Can I get to know the days on which Churchgate - Borivali Semifast Local runs?
Yes, Churchgate - Borivali Semifast Local runs on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Can I get to know the distance covered by 91091?
Yes, this train covers around 34 km distance.