Trains from Kolhapur SCSMT (KOP) and Station Details
Station Code | Station Name Hn | Zone | Address |
KOP | Kolhapur SCSMT | CR | Kolhapur 416001, Maharashtra |
11050 SCSMT Kolhapur - Ahmedabad Express (PT) | Mail/Express | CR | KOP | 12:20 | ADI | 07:45 +1 night | 19h 25m | - - - - - - S | 955 km | 49 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
12148 Hazrat Nizamuddin - SCSMT Kolhapur SF Express | SuperFast | CR | NZM | 05:50 | KOP | 16:20 +1 night | 34h 30m | - - - - - - S | 1918 km | 56 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
17415 Haripriya Express (PT) | Mail/Express | SCR | TPTY | 21:00 | KOP | 16:35 +1 night | 19h 35m | - - - - - - S | 904 km | 46 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
17416 Haripriya Express | Mail/Express | SCR | KOP | 11:30 | TPTY | 08:00 +1 night | 20h 30m | - - - - - - S | 904 km | 44 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
15018 Kashi Express (PT) | Mail/Express | NER | GKP | 05:30 | LTT | 18:05 +1 night | 36h 35m | - - - - - - S | 1708 km | 47 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
11049 Ahmedabad - SCSMT Kolhapur Express (PT) | Mail/Express | CR | ADI | 19:20 | KOP | 15:25 +1 night | 20h 5m | - - - - - - S | 955 km | 48 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
11029 Koyna Express | Mail/Express | CR | CSMT | 08:40 | KOP | 20:25 | 11h 45m | - - - - - - S | 516 km | 44 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
11030 Koyna Express | Mail/Express | CR | KOP | 08:05 | CSMT | 20:05 | 12h 0m | - - - - - - S | 516 km | 43 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
17412 Mahalaxmi Express (PT) | Mail/Express | SCR | KOP | 20:30 | CSMT | 07:35 +1 night | 11h 5m | - - - - - - S | 516 km | 47 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
11039 Maharashtra Express (PT) | Mail/Express | CR | KOP | 15:30 | G | 20:20 +1 night | 28h 50m | - - - - - - S | 1347 km | 47 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
11040 Maharashtra Express (PT) | Mail/Express | CR | G | 08:10 | KOP | 13:05 +1 night | 28h 55m | - - - - - - S | 1347 km | 47 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
12147 SCSMT Kolhapur - Hazrat Nizamuddin SF Express (PT) | SuperFast | CR | KOP | 09:05 | NZM | 17:10 +1 night | 32h 5m | - - - - - - S | 1918 km | 60 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
16589 Rani Chennamma Express (PT) | Mail/Express | SWR | SBC | 21:15 | KOP | 13:40 +1 night | 16h 25m | - - - - - - S | 796 km | 48 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
16590 Rani Chennamma Express (PT) | Mail/Express | SWR | KOP | 14:05 | SBC | 06:45 +1 night | 16h 40m | - - - - - - S | 796 km | 48 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
11023 Sahyadri Express (PT) | Mail/Express | CR | CSMT | 17:50 | KOP | 06:05 +1 night | 12h 15m | - - - - - - S | 516 km | 42 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
11024 Sahyadri Express (PT) | Mail/Express | CR | KOP | 22:50 | CSMT | 12:05 +1 night | 13h 15m | - - - - - - S | 516 km | 39 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
71430 SCSMT Kolhapur - Satara DEMU | DEMU | CR | KOP | 16:50 | STR | 21:50 | 5h 0m | - - - - - - S | 181 km | 36 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
71420 SCSMT Kolhapur - Pune DEMU | DEMU | CR | KOP | 04:45 | PUNE | 14:30 | 9h 45m | - - - - - - S | 326 km | 33 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
71429 Satara - SCSMT Kolhapur DEMU | DEMU | CR | STR | 05:25 | KOP | 09:55 | 4h 30m | - - - - - - S | 181 km | 40 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
71421 Miraj - SCSMT Kolhapur DEMU | DEMU | CR | MRJ | 13:50 | KOP | 15:15 | 1h 25m | - - - - - - S | 47 km | 33 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
71417 Miraj - SCSMT Kolhapur DEMU | DEMU | CR | MRJ | 16:55 | KOP | 18:10 | 1h 15m | - - - - - - S | 47 km | 38 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
71419 Pune - SCSMT Kolhapur DEMU | DEMU | CR | PUNE | 09:15 | KOP | 19:30 | 10h 15m | - - - - - - S | 326 km | 32 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
71422 SCSMT Kolhapur - Miraj DEMU | DEMU | CR | KOP | 10:50 | MRJ | 12:05 | 1h 15m | - - - - - - S | 47 km | 38 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
71424 SCSMT Kolhapur - Sangli DEMU | DEMU | CR | KOP | 18:35 | SLI | 20:10 | 1h 35m | - - - - - - S | 54 km | 34 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
71423 Sangli - SCSMT Kolhapur DEMU | DEMU | CR | SLI | 20:35 | KOP | 22:20 | 1h 45m | - - - - - - S | 54 km | 31 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A |
Frequently Asked Questions
How to get Kolhapur SCSMT (KOP) railway station details and trains that pass through here?
If you want to check Kolhapur SCSMT (KOP) station details, then just enter your station name/code in the search box above, select your station name from the dropdown, and hit the "Get Details" button. By doing so, station details along with the train passing through Kolhapur SCSMT station will be displayed on your device screen.
Why it is important to have Kolhapur SCSMT railway station details?
This information is very important as the knowledge of Kolhapur SCSMT (KOP) railway station avoid confusion between similar sounding station names when booking tickets. Also, prove useful when you have to leave for somewhere on an urgent basis and you have information of trains, which passes through Kolhapur SCSMT station.
What is the station code for Kolhapur SCSMT Railway Station?
The station code for Kolhapur SCSMT Railway Station is KOP.
How many trains are passing through Kolhapur SCSMT (KOP)?
There are 53 trains, which pass through Kolhapur SCSMT (KOP).
In which zone Kolhapur SCSMT falls?
Kolhapur SCSMT falls in CR zone.
What is the address of Kolhapur SCSMT (KOP)?
The Address of Kolhapur SCSMT (KOP) is "Kolhapur 416001, Maharashtra".
What are the trains that start from Kolhapur SCSMT?
11050 SCSMT Kolhapur - Ahmedabad Express (PT), 17416 Haripriya Express, 11030 Koyna Express, 17412 Mahalaxmi Express (PT), 11039 Maharashtra Express (PT), 12147 SCSMT Kolhapur - Hazrat Nizamuddin SF Express (PT), 16590 Rani Chennamma Express (PT), 11024 Sahyadri Express (PT) and 71430 SCSMT Kolhapur - Satara DEMU, are some of the trains, which starts from Kolhapur SCSMT Station.
Which is the fastest train that passes through KOP?
71421 Miraj - SCSMT Kolhapur DEMU is the fastest train, which covers a distance of 47 km in 1h 25m.