Trains from Gevra Road (GAD) and Station Details
Station Code | Station Name Hn | Zone | Address |
GAD | Gevra Road | SECR | Dist - Korba, Chhattisgarh |
18237 Chhattisgarh Express (PT) | Mail/Express | SECR | GAD | 11:15 | ASR | 08:10 +2 nights | 44h 55m | S M T W T F S | 2110 km | 47 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A 1A |
18239 Shivnath Express | Mail/Express | SECR | GAD | 18:05 | ITR | 05:20 +1 night | 11h 15m | S M T W T F S | 506 km | 45 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A 1A |
58203 Gevra Road - Raipur Passenger (UnReserved) | Passenger | SECR | GAD | 07:55 | R | 13:00 | 5h 5m | S M T W T F S | 208 km | 41 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A 1A |
68731 Gevra Road - Bilaspur MEMU | MEMU | SECR | GAD | 21:00 | BSP | 23:15 | 2h 15m | S M T W T F S | 98 km | 43 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A 1A |
58210 Bilaspur - Gevra Road Passenger (UnReserved) | Passenger | SECR | BSP | 07:30 | GAD | 10:25 | 2h 55m | S M T W T F S | 98 km | 33 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A 1A |
58212 Bilaspur - Gevra Road Passenger (UnReserved) | Passenger | SECR | BSP | 14:30 | GAD | 17:10 | 2h 40m | S M T W T F S | 98 km | 37 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A 1A |
68733 Gevra Road - Bilaspur MEMU | MEMU | SECR | GAD | 13:20 | BSP | 15:40 | 2h 20m | S M T W T F S | 98 km | 42 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A 1A |
68734 Bilaspur - Gevra Road MEMU | MEMU | SECR | BSP | 10:20 | GAD | 12:35 | 2h 15m | S M T W T F S | 98 km | 43 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A 1A |
68732 Bilaspur - Gevra Road MEMU | MEMU | SECR | BSP | 18:30 | GAD | 20:45 | 2h 15m | S M T W T F S | 98 km | 43 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A 1A |
58204 Raipur - Gevra Road Passenger (UnReserved) | Passenger | SECR | R | 18:20 | GAD | 23:40 | 5h 20m | S M T W T F S | 208 km | 39 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A 1A |
68745 Gevra Road - Raipur MEMU | MEMU | SECR | GAD | 05:55 | R | 11:05 | 5h 10m | S M T W T F S | 208 km | 40 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A 1A |
68746 Raipur - Gevra Road MEMU | MEMU | SECR | R | 13:40 | GAD | 19:30 | 5h 50m | S M T W T F S | 208 km | 36 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A 1A |
08239 Shivnath Express Special | COV-Reserved | SECR | GAD | 18:05 | ITR | 04:30 +1 night | 10h 25m | S M T W T F S | 506 km | 49 km/hr | GN SL 3A 2A 1A |
Frequently Asked Questions
How to get Gevra Road (GAD) railway station details and trains that pass through here?
If you want to check Gevra Road (GAD) station details, then just enter your station name/code in the search box above, select your station name from the dropdown, and hit the "Get Details" button. By doing so, station details along with the train passing through Gevra Road station will be displayed on your device screen.
Why it is important to have Gevra Road railway station details?
This information is very important as the knowledge of Gevra Road (GAD) railway station avoid confusion between similar sounding station names when booking tickets. Also, prove useful when you have to leave for somewhere on an urgent basis and you have information of trains, which passes through Gevra Road station.
What is the station code for Gevra Road Railway Station?
The station code for Gevra Road Railway Station is GAD.
How many trains are passing through Gevra Road (GAD)?
There are 13 trains, which pass through Gevra Road (GAD).
In which zone Gevra Road falls?
Gevra Road falls in SECR zone.
What is the address of Gevra Road (GAD)?
The Address of Gevra Road (GAD) is "Dist - Korba, Chhattisgarh".
What are the trains that start from Gevra Road?
18237 Chhattisgarh Express (PT), 18239 Shivnath Express, 58203 Gevra Road - Raipur Passenger (UnReserved), 68731 Gevra Road - Bilaspur MEMU, 68733 Gevra Road - Bilaspur MEMU, 68745 Gevra Road - Raipur MEMU, 08239 Shivnath Express Special, are some of the trains, which starts from Gevra Road Station.
Which is the fastest train that passes through GAD?
68731 Gevra Road - Bilaspur MEMU is the fastest train, which covers a distance of 98 km in 2h 15m.