Trains from Anand Nagar Jn (ANDN) and Station Details

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Station Code Station Name HnZoneAddress
ANDNAnand Nagar JnNER Mahrajganj, Uttar Pradesh
66 Trains
18202 Nautanwa - Durg Express (Via Varanasi) Mail/Express SECR NTV 11:20 DURG 14:20 +1 night 27h 0m S - - - - F - 1198 km 44 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
18206 Nautanwa - Durg Express (Via Faizabad) Mail/Express SECR NTV 08:00 DURG 13:10 +1 night 29h 10m S - - - - F - 1145 km 39 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
18201 Durg - Nautanwa Express (via Varanasi) (PT) Mail/Express SECR DURG 19:40 NTV 22:30 +1 night 26h 50m S - - - - F - 1198 km 45 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
18205 Durg - Nautanwa Express (Via Faizabad) (PT) Mail/Express SECR DURG 19:40 NTV 22:30 +1 night 26h 50m S - - - - F - 1145 km 43 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
55031 Nakaha Jungle - Lucknow Jn. Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger NER JEA 07:45 LJN 21:35 13h 50m S - - - - F - 341 km 25 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
55032 DaliGanj - Nakaha Jungle Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger NER DAL 17:25 JEA 05:20 +1 night 11h 55m S - - - - F - 334 km 28 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
15106 Nautanwa - Chhapra InterCity Express (UnReserved) Mail/Express NER NTV 14:40 CPR 21:30 6h 50m S - - - - F - 262 km 38 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
55049 Nakha Jungle - DaliGanj Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger NER JEA 22:50 DAL 09:20 +1 night 10h 30m S - - - - F - 334 km 32 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
15105 Chhapra - Nautanwa InterCity Express (UnReserved) Mail/Express NER CPR 06:30 NTV 13:55 7h 25m S - - - - F - 262 km 35 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
55142 Nautanwa - Gorakhpur Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger NER NTV 11:50 GKP 14:30 2h 40m S - - - - F - 82 km 31 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
55060 Nautanwa - Gorakhpur Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger NER NTV 18:45 GKP 21:45 3h 0m S - - - - F - 82 km 27 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
55044 Nautanwa - Gorakhpur Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger NER NTV 06:15 GKP 09:20 3h 5m S - - - - F - 82 km 26 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
55050 Lucknow Jn. - Nakaha Jungle Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger NER LJN 05:15 JEA 18:00 12h 45m S - - - - F - 341 km 27 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
55043 Gorakhpur - Nautanwa Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger NER GKP 18:10 NTV 21:35 3h 25m S - - - - F - 82 km 24 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
55057 Gorakhpur - Nautanwa Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger NER GKP 06:10 NTV 09:10 3h 0m S - - - - F - 82 km 27 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
55058 Nautanwa - Gorakhpur Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger NER NTV 09:50 GKP 12:50 3h 0m S - - - - F - 82 km 27 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
55059 Gorakhpur - Nautanwa Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger NER GKP 13:50 NTV 17:10 3h 20m S - - - - F - 82 km 25 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
55141 Gorakhpur - Nautanwa Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger NER GKP 08:00 NTV 11:05 3h 5m S - - - - F - 82 km 26 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
75131 Gorakhpur - Barhni DEMU DEMU NER GKP 10:35 BNY 14:30 3h 55m S - - - - F - 113 km 29 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
75132 Barhni - Gorakhpur DEMU DEMU NER BNY 15:20 GKP 18:40 3h 20m S - - - - F - 113 km 34 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
75117 Gorakhpur - Barhni DEMU DEMU NER GKP 09:50 BNY 12:55 3h 5m S - - - - F - 113 km 37 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
75129 Gorakhpur - Gonda DEMU (Via Barhni) DEMU NER GKP 17:40 GD 00:40 +1 night 7h 0m S - - - - F - 221 km 32 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
75130 Gonda - Gorakhpur DEMU (Via Barhni) DEMU NER GD 02:40 GKP 08:55 6h 15m S - - - - F - 221 km 35 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
75118 Barhni - Gorakhpur DEMU DEMU NER BNY 13:15 GKP 16:30 3h 15m S - - - - F - 113 km 35 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
55051 Gorakhpur - Nautanwa Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger NER GKP 15:15 NTV 18:15 3h 0m S - - - - F - 82 km 27 km/hr GN SL 3A 2A
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Frequently Asked Questions

How to get Anand Nagar Jn (ANDN) railway station details and trains that pass through here?

If you want to check Anand Nagar Jn (ANDN) station details, then just enter your station name/code in the search box above, select your station name from the dropdown, and hit the "Get Details" button. By doing so, station details along with the train passing through Anand Nagar Jn station will be displayed on your device screen.

Why it is important to have Anand Nagar Jn railway station details?

This information is very important as the knowledge of Anand Nagar Jn (ANDN) railway station avoid confusion between similar sounding station names when booking tickets. Also, prove useful when you have to leave for somewhere on an urgent basis and you have information of trains, which passes through Anand Nagar Jn station.

What is the station code for Anand Nagar Jn Railway Station?

The station code for Anand Nagar Jn Railway Station is ANDN.

How many trains are passing through Anand Nagar Jn (ANDN)?

There are 66 trains, which pass through Anand Nagar Jn (ANDN).

In which zone Anand Nagar Jn falls?

Anand Nagar Jn falls in NER zone.

What is the address of Anand Nagar Jn (ANDN)?

The Address of Anand Nagar Jn (ANDN) is "Mahrajganj, Uttar Pradesh".

What are the trains that start from Anand Nagar Jn?

No trains start from Anand Nagar Jn Station.

Which is the fastest train that passes through ANDN?

55142 Nautanwa - Gorakhpur Passenger (UnReserved) is the fastest train, which covers a distance of 82 km in 2h 40m.