Trains from Barial Himachal (BRHL) and Station Details
Station Code | Station Name Hn | Zone | Address |
BRHL | Barial Himachal | NR | India, Himachal Pradesh |
52462 Jwalamukhi Road - Pathankot Passenger | Hill Train | NR | JMKR | 04:35 | PTK | 08:30 | 3h 55m | S M T W T F S | 83 km | 21 km/hr | FC GN FC |
52464 Baijnath Paprola - Pathankot Passenger | Hill Train | NR | BJPL | 04:00 | PTK | 11:05 | 7h 5m | S M T W T F S | 141 km | 20 km/hr | FC GN FC |
52466 Baijnath Paprola - Pathankot Passenger | Hill Train | NR | BJPL | 07:10 | PTK | 14:30 | 7h 20m | S M T W T F S | 141 km | 19 km/hr | FC GN FC |
52472 Joginder Nagar - Pathankot Passenger | Hill Train | NR | JDNX | 07:05 | PTK | 17:05 | 10h 0m | S M T W T F S | 164 km | 16 km/hr | FC GN FC |
52474 Joginder Nagar - Pathankot Passenger | Hill Train | NR | JDNX | 11:55 | PTK | 21:00 | 9h 5m | S M T W T F S | 164 km | 18 km/hr | FC GN FC |
52465 Pathankot - Baijnath Paprola Passenger | Hill Train | NR | PTK | 06:00 | BJPL | 12:40 | 6h 40m | S M T W T F S | 141 km | 21 km/hr | FC GN FC |
52467 Pathankot - Baijnath Paprola Passenger | Hill Train | NR | PTK | 12:50 | BJPL | 21:10 | 8h 20m | S M T W T F S | 141 km | 17 km/hr | FC GN FC |
52469 Pathankot - Baijnath Paprola Passenger | Hill Train | NR | PTK | 15:20 | BJPL | 22:45 | 7h 25m | S M T W T F S | 141 km | 19 km/hr | FC GN FC |
52471 Pathankot - Joginder Nagar Passenger | Hill Train | NR | PTK | 02:05 | JDNX | 11:00 | 8h 55m | S M T W T F S | 164 km | 18 km/hr | FC GN FC |
52473 Pathankot - Joginder Nagar Passenger | Hill Train | NR | PTK | 10:10 | JDNX | 20:00 | 9h 50m | S M T W T F S | 164 km | 17 km/hr | FC GN FC |
52461 Pathankot - Jwalamukhi Road Passenger | Hill Train | NR | PTK | 17:15 | JMKR | 21:45 | 4h 30m | S M T W T F S | 83 km | 18 km/hr | FC GN FC |
Frequently Asked Questions
How to get Barial Himachal (BRHL) railway station details and trains that pass through here?
If you want to check Barial Himachal (BRHL) station details, then just enter your station name/code in the search box above, select your station name from the dropdown, and hit the "Get Details" button. By doing so, station details along with the train passing through Barial Himachal station will be displayed on your device screen.
Why it is important to have Barial Himachal railway station details?
This information is very important as the knowledge of Barial Himachal (BRHL) railway station avoid confusion between similar sounding station names when booking tickets. Also, prove useful when you have to leave for somewhere on an urgent basis and you have information of trains, which passes through Barial Himachal station.
What is the station code for Barial Himachal Railway Station?
The station code for Barial Himachal Railway Station is BRHL.
How many trains are passing through Barial Himachal (BRHL)?
There are 11 trains, which pass through Barial Himachal (BRHL).
In which zone Barial Himachal falls?
Barial Himachal falls in NR zone.
What is the address of Barial Himachal (BRHL)?
The Address of Barial Himachal (BRHL) is "India, Himachal Pradesh".
What are the trains that start from Barial Himachal?
No trains start from Barial Himachal Station.
Which is the fastest train that passes through BRHL?
52462 Jwalamukhi Road - Pathankot Passenger is the fastest train, which covers a distance of 83 km in 3h 55m.