Vadodara Jn (BRC) to Derol (DRL) Trains
Frequently Asked Questions
How to check trains running between Vadodara Jn (BRC) and Derol (DRL)?
If you want to check trains running between Vadodara Jn (BRC) and Derol (DRL), then just enter your station name/code in the input box, and select your station name/code from Dropdown, and hit the "Search Trains" button. By doing so, a list of all trains which run between BRC and DRL will be displayed on your device screen.
Why it is important to check trains running between BRC and DRL?
We are usually aware of 2 or 3 trains that run between BRC and DRL but trains running between stations give you the list of all trains that run between Vadodara Jn (BRC) and Derol (DRL), which opens many doors in case seats are not available in your preferred train.
What is the station code for Vadodara Jn and Derol?
The station code for Vadodara Jn and Derol is BRC and DRL.
How many trains run between Vadodara Jn and Derol every day?
Almost 12 trains run between Vadodara Jn and Derol every day.
Which is the fastest train runs between BRC and DRL station?
The 69121 Vadodara - Godhra MEMU is the fastest train between BRC and GDA, which covers a distance of 74 km in 2h 0m.