69127 Anand - Ahmedabad MEMU Platform Number

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Updated: Jul 03 2019 (20:13)

Train : 69127 Anand - Ahmedabad MEMUDep Days: S M T W T F S

Class: GN Type : MEMUHalt : 11 halts Duration : 1h 40m

From : ANNDDeparture : 17:05 To : ADI Arrival : 18:45 Zone : WR

Pantry/Catering : ✕ Pantry Car✕ On-board Catering✕ E-CateringDistance : 65 km

Stn. Name Arr. Dep.Halt Day Dist.SpeedZoneExp. Platform Address
Anand Jn (ANND)17:05 10.058WR2Anand - 388120, Gujarat

Frequently Asked Questions

How to the find platform number of 69127 Anand - Ahmedabad MEMU online?

If you want to get the platform number for 69127 Anand - Ahmedabad MEMU, then simply enter the train number in the search box, select station from the dropdown, and hit the "Get Platform No." button. By doing so, the platform number of Anand - Ahmedabad MEMU along with various other useful information will be displayed on your device screen.

Why it is important to check Anand - Ahmedabad MEMU platform number?

It is important to check 69127 Anand - Ahmedabad MEMU platform number because of the knowledge of platform no. helps you to wait for the train on the right platform rather than any other, this will avoid a last-minute hassle in order to catch the 69127 train.

How do I get to know the platform number on which Anand - Ahmedabad MEMU often arrives?

As I mentioned before, you can get it easily by accessing our platform enquiry page. Usually Anand - Ahmedabad MEMU arrives on platform number 2 on Anand Jn.

Is the platform number of the 69127 shown here always correct?

No, not always. We show the platform number of the 69127 Anand - Ahmedabad MEMU on basis of available information of previous travel history. This may change if any other train occupies the platform number on which 69127 usually arrives.

How do I get the correct platform number of 69127?

You can get the exact platform number of 69127 Anand - Ahmedabad MEMU by checking live running status or on the railway enquiry counter before half an hour of the arrival of the train.

How to find out the platform number at which Anand - Ahmedabad MEMU arrives via SMS?

No, you cannot, as Indian Railways do not offer an SMS facility for 69127 Anand - Ahmedabad MEMU or any other train.