64906 Ghaziabad - Palwal EMU (Via - Delhi) Platform Number
Updated: Jul 02 2019 (13:42)
Train : 64906 Ghaziabad - Palwal EMU (Via - Delhi)Dep Days: S M T W T F S
Class: GN Type : EMU - DelhiHalt : 15 halts Duration : 2h 50m
From : GZBDeparture : 16:50 To : PWL Arrival : 19:40 Zone : NR
Pantry/Catering : ✕ Pantry Car✕ On-board Catering✕ E-CateringDistance : 81 km
Stn. Name | Arr. | Dep. | Halt | Day | Dist. | Speed | Zone | Exp. Platform | Address |
Ghaziabad Jn (GZB) | 16:50 | 1 | 0.0 | 45 | NR | 3 | 201009, Uttar Pradesh |
Frequently Asked Questions
How to the find platform number of 64906 Ghaziabad - Palwal EMU (Via - Delhi) online?
If you want to get the platform number for 64906 Ghaziabad - Palwal EMU (Via - Delhi), then simply enter the train number in the search box, select station from the dropdown, and hit the "Get Platform No." button. By doing so, the platform number of Ghaziabad - Palwal EMU (Via - Delhi) along with various other useful information will be displayed on your device screen.
Why it is important to check Ghaziabad - Palwal EMU (Via - Delhi) platform number?
It is important to check 64906 Ghaziabad - Palwal EMU (Via - Delhi) platform number because of the knowledge of platform no. helps you to wait for the train on the right platform rather than any other, this will avoid a last-minute hassle in order to catch the 64906 train.
How do I get to know the platform number on which Ghaziabad - Palwal EMU (Via - Delhi) often arrives?
As I mentioned before, you can get it easily by accessing our platform enquiry page. Usually Ghaziabad - Palwal EMU (Via - Delhi) arrives on platform number 3 on Ghaziabad Jn.
Is the platform number of the 64906 shown here always correct?
No, not always. We show the platform number of the 64906 Ghaziabad - Palwal EMU (Via - Delhi) on basis of available information of previous travel history. This may change if any other train occupies the platform number on which 64906 usually arrives.
How do I get the correct platform number of 64906?
You can get the exact platform number of 64906 Ghaziabad - Palwal EMU (Via - Delhi) by checking live running status or on the railway enquiry counter before half an hour of the arrival of the train.
How to find out the platform number at which Ghaziabad - Palwal EMU (Via - Delhi) arrives via SMS?
No, you cannot, as Indian Railways do not offer an SMS facility for 64906 Ghaziabad - Palwal EMU (Via - Delhi) or any other train.