12185 Rewanchal Express (PT) Train Running Status
Frequently Asked Questions
How to check 12185 Rewanchal Express (PT) live train status?
If you want to check 12185 Rewanchal Express (PT) live train status, then just enter your train number in the input box and select the day on which it runs and hit the "Get Status" button. By doing so, the current location of Rewanchal Express (PT) will be displayed on your device screen.
Why it is important to check 12185 train running status?
If you check live running status of 12185 Rewanchal Express (PT) before leaving for the station, you have a fair idea of your train's status. It might be on time or delayed. If Rewanchal Express (PT) has been delayed then to avoid unnecessary waiting, you can reach the station as per the new expected arrival time.
Which is the source and destination station of 12185 Rewanchal Express (PT)?
The source and destination station of 12185 Rewanchal Express (PT) is HabibGanj (HBJ) and Rewa (REWA).
What is the time of departure and arrival of 12185 Rewanchal Express (PT) from HabibGanj (HBJ) and Rewa (REWA)?
Rewanchal Express (PT) departs from HabibGanj at 22:00 and arrives at Rewa at 08:00 +1 night.
How many days of a week does 12185 run?
The 12185 runs on Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri and Sat.
What are the classes available in 12185 Rewanchal Express (PT)?
Class of travel available in 12185 Rewanchal Express (PT) is GN, SL, 3A, 2A and 1A.
How much distance is covered by Rewanchal Express (PT)?
Rewanchal Express (PT) covers a 555 km distance to reach Rewa (REWA) Railway Station.
What is the total travelling time of 12185 Rewanchal Express (PT)?
The total travel time of 12185 Rewanchal Express (PT) is 10h 0m.